The main character of this Kickstarter project is called the Steampunk Jurassic GBC-Marble Run. The majority of the design is completed, but it’s not final, we are doing this survey to collect feedback from you guys, please let us know your suggestions regarding the colors, functionalities, elements, settings, pricing, etc. When you participated in the survey, your ideas may be adopted and you will have a chance to win a free set. If we receive some good feedback for the set design, we will make appropriate modifications to the product accordingly. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced Lego fan, even if you haven’t tried any building block toys before, as long as you have some brilliant ideas or thoughts, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Kickstarter Project Reward Survey 1

2 Responses
Hello guys, today we have some updates regarding our ‘Steampunk Jurassic GBC’ project, as you can see, we did a reward survey a few days ago, and our team have reviewed all of your suggestions, the following people’s suggestion is shortlisted, and now our side need more info, we will contact each of you by email for more details, stay tuned! The names are Sam Cochrane, Joshua Tay, and Peggy Domenie, please kindly check your inbox.
You can still contribute to our GBC project, check the details here???? , and send your suggestions to
Thank you for your advice,
K**th Von*****witz
J**hua T*y
We will send you an email from, please check that if you see this.